FAX 06/ 2000

(Read the browseable version)

To:  Monsignor Gianfranco Ravasi

From: G. Samir Eid

Object:  Milan and Islam

I see your scheduled presence at the conference Milan and Islam at the “Stelline”. In this regard, I would like to offer some ideas on the issues between us and Islam

  • Religious faith

It is praiseworthy that the Islamic centers in Milan can increase the religious faith of the faithful, but it is criticizable when the center intends to apply to our society, customs, traditions and dictates of foreign origin in the name of Islam. The question then arises: of which Islam? The one practiced in Cairo, Beirut, Tunis, or Mecca, Karachi or the desert of the seventh century?

  • Human rights

What rights will be discussed? In my opinion, dealing with the truth is an undeniable value.

It would be useful for all of us, Christians and Muslims, to take this opportunity to ask for the content to be defined, and to highlight the substantial differences that exist between Italian law and that of the countries of Islam.  It is well known that Sharia law applied in interpersonal relations discriminates against non-Muslims, and in the case of mixed marriages, against Christian women and their offspring.

In order to prevent such problems in the city of Milan, it is advisable to stipulate bi-lateral agreements that recognize only as the competent court, the law of the State where the marriage is celebrated.

I remain at your disposal for any clarification and extend my best regards.

Giuseppe Eid

Free web translation from the original in Italian


The published articles intend to provide the tools for a social inclusion of the migratory flow, shed light on human rights and the condition of life of Christians in the Islamic world from which the author come from. Knowledge of the other, of cultural and religious differences are primary ingredients to create peace in the hearts of men everywhere, a prerequisite for a peaceful coexistence and convinced citizenship in the territory.

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