R020 - A proposal on the occasion of the month of Ramadan

9 – 2008

(Read the browseable version)

This year, 2008, the month of September coincides almost entirely with the most sacred time of year for Muslims, a month in which those who profess and practice that religion purify their feelings with fasting (from dawn to dusk) and a benevolent approach to the next.

For us Christians it could be a good time to get to know each other better.  Mutual knowledge with respect for the other without the usual prejudices would be the premise for a fruitful coexistence, a positive seed for the new generations to sprout. The Muslim family can invite its neighbor at the hour of the break of fasting (at dusk), to dine together enjoying dishes with traditional recipes, to be known and explain the traditions of their country. On the other hand, the neighbor can take the opportunity to make known the Italian culture to overcome prejudices sometimes not only religious but also of customs and traditions.

For a deeper mutual understanding, women have a role of primary importance: their contacts in everyday life can be the first step towards a real dialogue, concept, perhaps, too inflated but much needed.

We invite all parishioners to put this suggestion into practice, to spread this initiative and to tell, why not, to our monthly magazine their experiences of dialogue during the month of Ramadan.

An invitation on the occasion of the month of Ramadan

Ramadan, a month in the Muslim lunar calendar, is considered the most sacred period for Muslims, a month in which those who profess and practice that religion purify their feelings with fasting (from dawn to dusk) and with a benevolent approach to the next; this year falls between August and September, ends with the feast ‘id al-saghir’ (the little one) unlike ‘id al-akbar’ (the big one) the greatest solemnity of Islam, at the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca.

Ramadan is par excellence the month of prayer, during which a greater blessing is required for oneself and one’s loved ones, in function of a personal effort, which is the physical one, given by fasting, but also of questioning oneself and one’s life choices, of a search in some way for greater transcendence towards the Most High. In daily life the family and the community are put first, sharing the times of prayer, including that before dawn which is certainly the most ’emotional and the important moment of Iftar’, or at sunset, the moment when we thank God for giving us the strength to overcome ourselves and our natural attitude to eat and drink and we ask Him to humbly accept our little sacrifice in exchange for a life serene, just, honest and a life after death illuminated by His eternal Light. “This is for me the meaning of this month dedicated to God, and fasting is only the outer detail, the basis necessary to achieve a much more important spiritual purpose.

It would certainly be important for Muslim families living in our neighborhood to find some warmth within the Christian families of Milan two during this holy month. To this end, for the second ten days of September, we propose that some families, Christian and Muslim, meet at the hour of the break of fasting (at dusk), to dine and share this moment. At the beginning of September, the details of the initiative will be given and the modalities of participation will be indicated.

Organized by the Team of Dialogue with Islam of the Parish “God the Father”.

Durante il Ramadan, l’ultimo pasto va preso prima dell’inizio dell’alba (Keystone)

Le Jeune, facteur d’union entre musulmans et chrétiens

Le jeùne du Ramadan rappelle aux musulmans l’existence de Dieu . Les différentes manifestations populaires et les interventions des leaders religieux à la television aident les fidèles à se rapprocher de Dieu. Le jeune accompagne d’un exercice spirituel incitent les fideles à comprendre les gestes exterieurs de la religion ; chacun fait son examen de conscience et prend en pleine liberte ses decisions pour ameliorer son genre de vie. Cette atmosphere englobe tout les egyptiens, musulmans et chrétiens, personne n’y échappe, pour le grand bien de l’union entre tous les citoyens.

Le tout culminera à la fete du eid el fitr à la grande joie de tout le pays.

Bientòt débutera le jeune de quarante jours des chretiens, selon des modalités diférentes du ramadan, mais ayant quand meme le meme but: rapprocher les fideles a Dieu à travers le jeune accompagné de sacrifices et des renoncements offerts en toute liberté. Une période qui culmine avec la célébration de la fete de la Resurection. Pour tous les chretiens, et principalement pour ceux qui habitent loin de leurs centres religieux et donc sans un soutien spirituel adequat, il serait utile de recevoir à travers les medias et principalement la télévision , un service religieux similaire à celui fourni aux musulmans. Ainsi les liens d’union entre tous les citoyens égyptiens, musulmans et chrétiens sont ressérés à travers le jeune.

16/3/2010     Giuseppe Samir Eid

Free web translation from the original in Italian


The published articles intend to provide the tools for a social inclusion of the migratory flow, shed light on human rights and the condition of life of Christians in the Islamic world from which the author come from. Knowledge of the other, of cultural and religious differences are primary ingredients to create peace in the hearts of men everywhere, a prerequisite for a peaceful coexistence and convinced citizenship in the territory.

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