R018 - Muslims in Italy

19/09 – 2007

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Special laws for Muslims?

The instability of the Middle East, accompanied by the widespread hatred against the West, have been the main ingredients of Islamic terrorism, a source of danger not only for the USA but for the whole West and for the governments of the Mediterranean area themselves. This culture, which prevails in most of the so-called Islamic cultural centres in Italy, has a considerable influence on immigrants, who tend to engage in centres that remind them of the environments they come from. The creation of these numerous centres is part of a single strategy which aims to establish itself as a representative of the Muslims in front of the State. Representation becomes a centre of power in order to induce lawmakers to introduce laws that take into account the particular customs and habits of Muslims. Do we not accept the re-introduction of discriminatory laws through the appearance of laws for religious freedom, carried out by some of our politicians in cahoots, perhaps without knowing it, with whom we want to stand as a representative of Muslims in Italy?

The majority of the Muslim people in Italy have emigrated not only for reasons of poverty but with the hope of a better future, to experience the freedom that the peoples of the West have managed to conquer at a high price.

Giuseppe Samir Eid


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The published articles intend to provide the tools for a social inclusion of the migratory flow, shed light on human rights and the condition of life of Christians in the Islamic world from which the author come from. Knowledge of the other, of cultural and religious differences are primary ingredients to create peace in the hearts of men everywhere, a prerequisite for a peaceful coexistence and convinced citizenship in the territory.

R019 - Europe: the fear of Muslims is born from that our lost identity

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Corriere – Ideas & opinions – 2/12 – 2009

Dear Giulia, I’m giving you some insight to help you make an informed decision.



The fact that more illegal immigrants are Muslims from North Africa and have the characteristics listed above should not be overlooked, because they bring with them a cultural level and a set of traditions and habits that, in addition to being very different from ours, are a sort of glasses through which, at least in the first instance, they see and judge Western society. This difference in cultural level is already expressed in the impact with the forms of political organization of our states. In fact, all Arab countries with a Muslim majority are governed by systems that are not at all comparable to European democracies.

Therefore, when young Muslims arrive in Europe, contact with a mentality that is completely new to them leads them to suffer a strong psychological shock. This is a risky situation in which, if we do not prevent non-Europeans from being marginalized and left to their own devices, misunderstandings and frustrating attitudes can develop.


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R022 - Comparing cultures and politics- European Muslims

RAI UNO 14/9 – 2011

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Musulmani Europei-Rai UNO tarda serata! Curato da Luca de Mata

l’ultima puntata di questo mercoledì 14 settembre 2011.

L’argomento riguarda il confronto delle culture nel nostro paese e le decisioni politiche che incombono su tematiche come moschee o centri culturali, vestiario, alimentazione, interruzione degli orari di lavoro, inviti alla preghiera, ecc. l’elenco diventerebbe lungo.
Ci sono vari punti delle trasmissioni che toccano quanto i giornali sovente evidenziano; approfitto per aggiungere alcuni commenti su i punti toccati dalle trasmissioni:
1. Hanno richiamato l’attenzione degli italiani e non solo, sulle caratteristiche atipiche di alcune immigrazioni provenienti da ambienti monoculturali, blindati dalla copertura religiosa, messi a confronto in Italia con ambienti cosi diversi e lontani culturalmente della loro. Quelli non integrati sono frustrati e rifuggono nei centri culturali e di preghiere o nelle moschee la maggior parte gestiti da chi sappiamo. Il grosso dell’immigrazione proviene da ambienti rurali, intellettualmente poveri dove fa presa la predica del Venerdi.


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8 September 1999

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To : M. Antonio Socci

From : G. Eid

During the 1974 the pan-Islamic Congress of Lahore they decided, with the tacit agreement of the Western countries, the elimination of a presidential chronometer in the country with a Muslim majority.

Is it a project or a project in progress? (Sudan, Sudan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Copts in Egypt, Pakistan, Timor, etc.). The Italian press has always kept silent when the attackers are Muslims! In fact, a work of disinformation does not remember the massacres against Muslims of this century Oil or water? Only excuse: here we are carriers of facts if we produce in the world but here we escape the information.

What are the reasons and interests at stake here if some events are realized and cause suffering and death?

Giuseppe Samir Eid

Free web translation from the original in Italian


The published articles intend to provide the tools for a social inclusion of the migratory flow, shed light on human rights and the condition of life of Christians in the Islamic world from which the author come from. Knowledge of the other, of cultural and religious differences are primary ingredients to create peace in the hearts of men everywhere, a prerequisite for a peaceful coexistence and convinced citizenship in the territory.