R021 - The cross and the crescent

16/3 – 2010

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There are people that no one really loves, because no one really knows, and that no one really knows, because no one really loves, and this people are the Muslim people. I feel the duty to dedicate my whole life to making them known and loved by the Christians”.

Louis Massignon


Dear Madam,

Allow me to comment on the article The Cross and the Crescent on the monthly magazine of the Parish.

Your article deals with both Islam and the Islamic, (I would call them Muslims); in the case of the Muslims the header of the article could very well take up the quotation from Massignon.

As for Islam, I think some passages of the article are misleading and confusing, making Islam appear almost a derivation of Christianity. It is a strategy adopted by Islam to conquer Jerusalem as far back as 638AD. The massacres of Otranto and Rome precede the first Crusade. Even today, the strategy of setting foot in the West through Islamic enclaves and conversions based on ignorance and rain money is repeated: how many times have I heard Christians say “but we are all equal there is no difference! This is the impression that your article in the Bulletin of the Parish could provoke! (files 1-3 attached)


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R022 - Comparing cultures and politics- European Muslims

RAI UNO 14/9 – 2011

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Musulmani Europei-Rai UNO tarda serata! Curato da Luca de Mata

l’ultima puntata di questo mercoledì 14 settembre 2011.

L’argomento riguarda il confronto delle culture nel nostro paese e le decisioni politiche che incombono su tematiche come moschee o centri culturali, vestiario, alimentazione, interruzione degli orari di lavoro, inviti alla preghiera, ecc. l’elenco diventerebbe lungo.
Ci sono vari punti delle trasmissioni che toccano quanto i giornali sovente evidenziano; approfitto per aggiungere alcuni commenti su i punti toccati dalle trasmissioni:
1. Hanno richiamato l’attenzione degli italiani e non solo, sulle caratteristiche atipiche di alcune immigrazioni provenienti da ambienti monoculturali, blindati dalla copertura religiosa, messi a confronto in Italia con ambienti cosi diversi e lontani culturalmente della loro. Quelli non integrati sono frustrati e rifuggono nei centri culturali e di preghiere o nelle moschee la maggior parte gestiti da chi sappiamo. Il grosso dell’immigrazione proviene da ambienti rurali, intellettualmente poveri dove fa presa la predica del Venerdi.


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R035 - From Migrants to Terrorists

Monday 29 June 2015

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The chronicles report that one of the measures of prevention of acts of terrorism is the expulsion of subjects identified to praise and sympathize with the acts of terrorism of the Islamic type. Individuals settled in Italy with family and work, some with a past in our prisons. I would like to ask whether the expulsion is enough to stop the danger if it is not accompanied by an assessment of the process that has allowed “normal” immigrants to be infected in Italy by the fever of religious terrorism.

Giuseppe Samir Eid

Free web translation from the original in Italian

The published articles intend to provide the tools for a social inclusion of the migratory flow, shed light on human rights and the condition of life of Christians in the Islamic world from which the author come from. Knowledge of the other, of cultural and religious differences are primary ingredients to create peace in the hearts of men everywhere, a prerequisite for a peaceful coexistence and convinced citizenship in the territory.