263 FROMMIGRANTS TO TERRORISTS CORSERA - 29/6/2015 The chronicles report that one of the measures of prevention of acts of ter- rorism is the expulsion of subjects iden- tified to worship and support the acts of terrorism of the Islamic type. They are individuals settled in Italy with fa- mily and work, some with a past in our prisons. I would like to ask whether the expulsion is enough to stop the danger if it is not accompanied by an asses- sment of the elements that that made it possible for "normal" immigrants to be infected in Italy by the fever of religious terrorism. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, VIOLENCE AND RECIPROCITY CORSERA - 2015 Dear Doctor de Bortoli: The latest issues of the Corriere report edi- torials that call for mutual respect and not to offend one's neighbor (the Muslims). I quote Baroness Ashton, EU High Repre- sentative for Foreign Policy, "We must not fall into the trap that extremists and terrorists are setting for us", "We must re- sist those who would like to make religion a cause of division. The best response to extremism is to create a united internatio- nal front based on universal standards of freedom of belief and religion. The Euro- pean Union will not look away. It is a lau- dable campaign that should be echoed by such an attitude on the part of the Islamic World Order. For information purposes only, I also enclose an example of how the Koran can be used to foment hatred and violence or respect and coexistence (attached for information purposes). I would like to suggest Western politicians and rulers the most appropriate actions to ask Islamic countries that feel offended to apply in their societies the same respect they demand of us. As chance would have it, the major violence happens on Friday when the mosques leave. Violence attracts more violence to the point of sel- f-destruction and poverty, not for nothing in the last twenty years have three hun- dred million Arabs produced only 171 international patents; Korea alone 16328; enormous amounts of imported technolo- gy but little is produced locally. The fine-sounding declarations must be followed by incisive actions in the field of education both in the West and, above all, in the Arab world. In this regard, the Am- brosian Centre for Religious Documenta- tion invited European politicians to moni- tor educational material in Arab countries so that incitement to violence would make room for mutual respect. Let's the hope that these reflections brou- ght to the public may inspire what are the most appropriate means for dialogue and coexistence in the globalized world, a the- me anticipated by Cardinal Martini in his letter “Noi e l'Islam” published in 1990 ahead of the globalization and the Inter- net revolution.