025 - Iraq, not only oil-II


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It is not Utopia.

A Christian Arab writes about Iraq. His name is Giuseppe Samir Eid and he is the author of essays on the relationship between Christianity, Judaism and Islam. To the analysis he sent us, he gave the title: “Iraq: not just oil”. This is an appropriate title, because the bet on the future of the country of the Tigris and Euphrates goes far beyond material wealth; it is a project of free and peaceful coexistence between peoples and religions. And precisely from Iraq this future can be born and restore hope also to the Holy Land and Lebanon and to the tormented Middle East. “It’s not a utopia,” concludes Samir Eid’s analysis. Read for yourself.


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027 - The forgotten Martyrs

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Ambrosian Church 12-20 To know each other to co-exist and build peace.  The text on the systematic persecution and progressive marginalization of Christians in areas of Muslim domination was sent by Joseph Samir Eid. It is an impressive statistic of a “hidden tragedy” with data in progressive development in the various geographical areas.

The forgotten martyrs

Christians in the Middle East, Copts in Egypt, Maronites in Lebanon, Chaldeans in Iraq, Armenians in Turkey, Melkites or Orthodox in Syria, or Palestinians in Bethlehem, have been in a silent exodus for more than half a century. They are hunted from their native lands because of the war and the flow of Islam. Return to a hidden tragedy.

The main refugee population in the Middle East is not the Muslim Palestinians, victims of the first Arab-Israeli war of 1948, nor the Jews of the Arab countries and Iran, forced to a symmetrical exodus between 1945 and 1979, but the Christians of Arab, Aramaic, Armenian or Greek culture.


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Calendar 2009 Enec – 12-2009

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The current time is not the first in history during which the Arab world occupies the front pages of newspapers. The Gulf War has only accentuated a tension that has now culminated in an eruption. What is less well known is the fact that in this large group, which has about one hundred and fifty million inhabitants and includes the whole of the Eastern Mediterranean and North Africa, they live side by side with their Muslim fellow citizens from 12 to 15 million Christians who have played an important role over the years, despite their small numbers. It was after the Islamic Arab conquest that Christians of all denominations began to translate, from Greek and Syriac to Arabic, the literary and scientific works of their predecessors. It was they who introduced the invaders from the desert to the Eastern disciplines (philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, medicine and geography) thus provoking a renaissance that lasted until the Middle Ages, when the Western world was still submerged in darkness. In this regard, it is good to remember that Charlemagne gazed at the gifts sent to him by Haroun el Rashid.


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Note che accompagnano la conferenza in Interclub del R.C Milano Sud-Est e R.C. Milano Cà Granda del Distretto 2040.
Informazioni tratte dal libro dello stesso autore, Cristiani e musulmani verso il 2000 una convivenza possibile, Figlie di San Paolo, Milano, 1995 recensito da Monsignore Gianfranco Ravasi.

L’instabilità del Medio Oriente accompagnata dall’odio diffuso contro l’Occidente sono risultati i principali alimenti del terrorismo islamico, fonte di pericolo non soltanto per gli USA ma per tutto l’Occidente e per gli stessi governi dell’area mediterranea. Una popolazione araba frustrata nelle sue aspirazioni in termini di educazione, assistenza sociale, sanitaria, prosperità, sarebbe facile preda del disordine politico, continuando a rappresentare una minaccia per la stabilità della regione e del mondo. Inoltre, la presenza maggioritaria di terroristi di nazionalità saudita ha scosso la fiducia degli USA verso l’alleato di ferro, principale fornitore di greggio ma pur sempre finanziatore dei movimenti islamici avversi al modo di vivere occidentale.


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