246 tion are improved and people do not need to believe that only through a fratricidal war can you get a better life. Of course, the West has expanded, devouring and consuming much more than necessary and without any regard for other peoples, and now that globalization has developed a greater awareness even in the "small", we will have to pay the price. They will still associate evil with Christianity, which has preached well and substantially racist evil. Some young boy I meet tells me: you know, when I think the Pope says that we have to fight poverty and hunger in the world, and all he needs to do is sell half of the Vatican's works of art to do so, I feel deeply mocked: "I can't blame him and therefore we too, together with our Muslim brothers, are the first to have to set a better example. The example alone is worth more than a hundred words and a thousand encyclicals! And then, the lan- guage of love is universal! I greet you with cordiality! Elizabeth COMPARING CULTURES AND POLITICS- EUROPEAN MUSLIMS RAI UNO 14/9 - 2011 European Muslims- Rai UNO late ni- ght! Curated by Luca de Mata The latest episode of this Wednesday, September 14, 2011. The topic concerns the comparison of cultures in our country and the political decisions that loom over issues such as mosques or cultural centers, clothing, food, interruption of working hours, invi- tations to prayer, etc.. the list would be- come long. There are various points in the broadca- sts that touch what the newspapers often highlight; I take the opportunity to add some comments on the points touched by the broadcasts: 1. They drew the attention of Italians and not only, on the atypical characteristics of some immigrants from monocultural environments, armored by religious coverage, compared in Italy with en- vironments so different and culturally distant of their own. The non-integra- ted ones are frustrated and are mostly managed by those we know to avoid in the cultural and prayer centers or in the mosques. The bulk of the immigration comes from rural, intellectually poor environments where the Friday sermon is taken. 2. They emphasized the need for accul- turation of both the immigrant and the host country; an example of the weal- th that can be generated by globaliza- tion. A wealth that can be realized by offering the immigrant dignity and the opportunity for human development for a proactive integration, in contrast with exclusion. Most of the university students I asked in Egypt confessed to me that they wanted to emigrate to the West! 3. To make those students, especially wo- men, aware of their fundamental men- tal identity and of the values on which