220 for all its members with equal rights and duties, where religious affiliation is not a discriminating factor among its citizens. I agree with the idea that the West is begin- ning to grant credits under certain conditions that range from cultural to technological exchanges, as well as subordinate interna- tional funding and protocols being stipulated to certain cultural criteria and reciprocity. We know that the sources of pressu- re on Christians in Arab countries are culture, education, media propaganda, sermons and, last but not least, text- books in schools. In my opinion, Italy and the European Union should extend their actions to cultural areas: to tex- tbooks in schools that are devoid of offensive references to non-Muslims. Even if there are verses extrapolated from the Koran, other verses could be selected in their place. Our leaders should make this very clear to their partners in the countries applying for funding. COPTIC EXODUS FROM: Giuseppe Eid SENT: Saturday, October 13, 2012 SUBJECT: Coptic Exodus It is completely true and even an under- statement of the raw reality seen by those who know Egypt and its villages. I'm sor- ry to hear about moderate Islam which is "nonsense". Our Arab priests call the dia- logue that has taken place in Egypt since the 1940s a "café concert". The foundation for true dialogue in Italy begins with daily conviviality, while in Egypt it is necessary to reform all scholastic material and ser- mons, as well as those who finance them. · There is a common front of 56 OSI Isla- mic states where freedom of conscien- ce does not exist, and the community’s right prevails over a person’s dignity. The West should actively take note of this. Fine declarations must be followed by incisive actions in the educational field both in the West and, above all, in the Arab world: ask European politi- cians to demand the monitoring of edu- cational material in Arab countries so that incitement to violence would make room for mutual respect. · It is essential to work on education, on textbooks in schools, and on the me- dia, and even to invite the imams who have in their hands the formidable in- strument of preaching in mosques to collaborate in this educational line of justice and peace, where it would be appropriate to proclaim also the ver- ses of the Koran that underline God's will towards religious plurality and the commitment to compete for good in God's Mercy. · I recall a statement by Baronessa Ashton, High Representative for Forei- gn Affairs of the EU: "We must not fall into the trap that extremists and terro- rists are setting for us", "We must resist those who would like to make religion a cause for division. The best respon- se to extremism is to create a united international front based on universal standards of freedom of belief and re- ligion." "The European Union will not look away." · How do we move from theory to practi- ce? By awakening of our consciences and showing dignity.