219 CONDEMN THE MASSACRE OF CHRISTIANS IN EGYPT 3 January 2011 I have some observations to make on the "defense of Christians" by the West: it is a misleading and counterproductive the- me that makes it seem as if indigenous Christians are like foreign citizens in their own country; this is not right. Regarding Christians under attack in the Islamic wor- ld: the problem is political and should be addressed as such. I have read a number of proposals regar- ding the substantial EU funding, and I pro- pose to our leaders to have the courage to make the funding conditional on the im- plementation of greater civil and religious freedoms and security in the recipient country; to promote a society that has a deep sense of trust in religious and human values, characterized by mutual respect for all its members with equal rights and duties, where religious affiliation is not a discriminating factor among its citizens. I agree with the idea that the West is be- ginning to grant credits under certain con- ditions that range from cultural to techno- logical exchanges, as well as subordinate international funding and protocols being stipulated to certain cultural criteria and reciprocity. We know that the sources of pressure on Christians in Arab countries are culture, education, media propaganda, sermons and, last but not least, textbooks in scho- ols. In my opinion, Italy and the European Union should extend their actions to cultu- ral areas: to textbooks in schools that are devoid of offensive references to non-Mu- slims. Even if there are verses extrapola- ted from the Koran, other verses could be selected in their place. Our leaders should make this very clear to their partners in the countries applying for funding. That is our request. In practice, two actions are proposed: - To monitor culture, every method of dis- semination and schoolastic education that despises offending non-Muslims. - To make business and participation in bi- lateral/international agreements subject to certain criteria of freedom of con- science and defining the methods of ap- plying to them. MUSLIM CHRISTIANS EQUAL BE- FORE THE LAW Cristiani musulmani uguali di fronte alla legge 18 October 2011 I have some observations to make on the "defense of Christians" by the West: it is a misleading and counterproductive the- me that makes it seem as if indigenous Christians are like foreign citizens in their own country; this is not right. Regarding Christians under attack in the Islamic wor- ld: the problem is political and should be addressed as such. I have read a number of proposals regar- ding the substantial EU funding, and I pro- pose to our leaders to have the courage to make the funding conditional on the im- plementation of greater civil and religious freedoms and security in the recipient country; to promote a society that has a deep sense of trust in religious and human values, characterized by mutual respect