285 MOSQUES, MINARETS, CENTRES FOR RELIGIOUS WORSHIP Corriere - 10/09 - 2016 ISLAM PAPER VALUES Dear Dr. Goffredo Buccini: I fully agree with the article in today's Cor- riere on Friday, February 19, 2016. Allow me to add some comments that you, if you agree, could elaborate in the correct way. 1- It is right to allow the construction of uni- que prayer rooms for all Islamic curren- ts. Not an exclusive for a specific current. 2 - Islam and Muslims are not the same thing: the practice in Morocco is not simi- lar to that of Lebanon (Syria! ) nor to that of the Gulf countries, Pakistan and Asian countries. To demand a single represen- tation for all Muslims seems to me difficult and even counterproductive. Promoting those who accept our constitutional rules and checking for digressions. 3 - The only representation for all means to allow the strongest current, the Mu- slim Brotherhood, to condition women and men who do not adhere to suffer di- scrimination that they would have liked to avoid coming to Italy. 4 - The financing of the worship center should exclude that coming from coun- tries that have rejected the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The per- son who finances has the power over the management and the line of con- duct. If the land is granted free of char- ge by a municipality, it would be appro- priate for one of its representatives to sit on the management board. 5 - Many Muslims do not recognize them- selves represented by a common body: they are simply citizens to whom the law must be applied without special rights, privileges, exceptions or discri- mination of fate. Avoiding the creation of communities that speak on behalf of Muslims would be the beginning of creating exclusivity by giving impetus to the forces that do not seek inclusion. 6 - The sermons should be made in Italian but by authorized people: The region of Lyon has begun to deliver certificates of qualification to carry out the task of Immam. 7- The first approach of an immigrant with the Italian state for its regulari- zation is with the municipal office: to require that the person presents him- self in person, man and woman, for a first acculturation with our laws. I have found that some documents transla- ted into Arabic do not give the same spirit as the original document. The translation is deformed by the transla- tor's mentality: for example: for scho- ol, mentioning the parents means both the father and the mother, often the translation specifies "the fathers" by sidelining the mother, who is instead important in education. 8-as I do not know the legal aspects and the norms that establish relations with the various religions I do not feel able to make a comment on the subject. Thank you for your attention and for your feedback. Best regards