269 All this leads us back to wanting to take the Saudi Arabian society as an example of life. Bear in mind that even in Arab countries the veil is not allowed in schools where the uniform is prescribed, and with regard to the statements on human rights as stated by Rose El Youssef, I must tell you that the Sharia is a racist system in all senses, and this truth should be spread for the sake of the Muslims themselves in Italy. However, it cannot be generalized; Islam is extremely varied in Arab countries, but in Italy is the rigorous wing that prevails, which certainly does not help the young generations to live together. Under the definition of the veil are assimilated the most disparate veils, from a simple scarf to the one similar to the photo on the courier. Moreover, the Muslim people must be seen clearly from the centers that proclaim themselves their represen- tatives. Dr. Mieli: If you have had the patience to read me, please consider publishing the meaning of my letter for the benefit of your readers, and each one in complete freedom, will draw your conclusions. An affectionate reader Joseph Samir Fadllallah Eid 2005 - Islamic veil? Islamic veil is a Religious obligation only in the imagination of certain Western in- tellectuals. Despite pressure from people who ignore the Arab world and its way of thinking, the "Islamic veil" is not part of the culture of the Arab Mediterranean world. The intention of external forces, suppor- ted by politicians, to create cultural and behavioural ghettos within the Italian State is clear. We must not allow the so-called holders of truth to stand in de- fense of "religion" involving certain of our intellectuals, who I hope are naive and ignorant, making them accomplices of the constraints on women as a means of pressure from a totalitarian ideology. Taking Egypt as an example, the country of origin of the Egyptian woman mentio- ned by Magdi Allam, can be considered the heir of many civilizations recalling Alexandria as the beacon of culture and splendor until the conquest by Arab Islam in the seventh century. During the Arab domination, the University of Azhar in Cairo, founded in the tenth century, had become one of the main religious refe- rence points and not only for Muslims. With the arrival of the Mammelukes in the 13th century, communication with the western world was almost non-exi- stent and the country fell into oblivion. When Napoleon arrived, the country had only two million inhabitants, 95% of whom were peasants, fellahin, with women participating in the work of the earth and not covering their faces. The following century saw a great emancipa- tion of Egyptian women to the point that in 1923 with the election of the first wo- man to the Egyptian parliament, the scarf covers the head, and does not cover hair and head, nor face cover, is no longer carried by the new generations who are no less Muslim and faithful to the Koran than those of today. A custom, that of covering one's head and hair, excluding one's face, which has only taken over in the last thirty years under moral, physi- cal, social and financial pressures that go so far as to prohibit, again in the name of religion, a woman from leaving the house without the permission of the man. And what do we want in Italy for our children? Who wants to be an accomplice to these constraints?