260 ABOUT THE CARTOONS FAX - 17/9/2006 The clarity of Magdi Allam should be en- couraged in every way: it expresses what many think but few say out loud, which is why it is under fire by those who feel guilty: it is the Muslims who deny the hi- storical fact and who ignore the spiritual content of the Koran. History continues to repeat itself. In my opinion only a firm stance of one's own cultural conviction and identity will make us respect by our opponents., without hesitation and wi- thout excuses. On the contrary, I am convinced that many intellectuals in Arab countries have accepted the historical truths declared by Pope Ratzinger, but they cannot do so openly: not everyone has the desire to live under escort. In conclusion: it should be remembered that the Pope is the head of a State with diplomatic relations with almost all the sta- tes of the world, his diplomatic structure should demand from their respective go- vernments the public denials of the prea- chers of hatred who have stirred the hearts of defenseless people and mired a head of state by threatening him with death. Question: (a) what was the attitude of our European politicians? B) What interest would the prestigious New York Times have had in lighting the fire? The truth of history Brave article that highlights the ignorance of many characters that make statements that ignite people simply on the hearsay or without deepening their thoughts ba- sed on the headlines. At least that some in bad faith want to shield themselves from any pretext to stand as the holder of the truth. It would be interesting to know the reactions of the Arab media to the rejection of the religious motivation for violence. I hope that Magdi Allam's fears will not come true. I propose to give prominence in the Cor- riere to these reactions by Muslim intel- lectuals who make audience: "And I am frightened to note that even the so-called moderate Muslims have re- nounced their wisdom and have aligned themselves with the "holy war" of which they will be the main victims". Thank you Sunday 1 October, 2006 Dear Galal: I have received the article you sent me from Chief al Azhar which I read while in Egypt. While in Egypt I read regularly al Ahram and the daily comments from Muslim intellectuals about the speech of Pope Benedict XVI's. A day later this week I was struck by Mohamed Salmawy comment of, I did not keep the papers that he found writers of high profile who wrote their attacks on the Pope based on “entendu dire” or on extracts from other journals. None of them read the original text fully! I found that very childish and a superficial way to educate the readers, knowing how students and others are influenced by religious leaders. Galal, I am not familiar with theology, ese- gesi or philosophy, neither is English my mother tongue, but I am able though to summarize my understanding of the Pope speech as follows: The context of the speech is high acade- micals; free to express his opinion althou- gh not acceptable to many people but still free to express his belief without fear of retaliation. Although he subsequently explained in simpler words his thinking, he received increased attacks from “of- fended” Islam: threats, demonstrations,