212 THE NEWLY PERSECUTED Copy of what was sent to Paolo Mieli in 2002 TO: Dr. Paolo Mieli ( ) FROM: G. Eid SUBJECT: The Newly Persecuted I hope you have had time to get acquain- ted with at least the index of the book I gave you at the end of your speech entit- led Christians and Muslims Around 2000 , published by Pauline. Despite your many commitments I ask you to read page 27, written eight ye- ars ago. I believe that Muslim centers are bombs that one day or another will explode, at least if Italians in the mean- time, especially the public authorities, do not rediscover their identity and apply the law without hesitation. In the long term these are dangerous centers, not just be- cause they are Muslim, but because of the identity of the financier, their second undeclared purpose, and the type of peo- ple involved in their management. It took Jewish personalities to raise this subject! Without presumption, I propose my opi- nion on the questions you asked the public that evening. The opinion of a Christian Arab who emigrated from Egypt to Italy. 1) Why hasn’t the Church intervened? Despite the fact that in the Middle East Catholic Christians are a small minori- ty, all of them, Protestant and Orthodox Catholics alike, refuse interference from abroad in order to avoid being identified with the western world, thus increasing the discrimination taking place (p.93 of the book.) and consolidating the prejudi- ce of being considered foreigners in their own country. 2) Why doesn’t the media talk about it? Public opinion, authorities... 1. Frankly, Italians are modest when speaking of religion or professing one’s faith to others; even many prie- sts and religious individuals are fear- ful... lacking a missionary spirit. 2. TV broadcasts are deleterious: I re- member those of Santoro who enjoyed putting Muslims on a pedestal in terms of morals, religion, etc.. contrasting dissolute Christian characters, with the cross well in sight. I complained about this fact with Cardini when he was sit- ting on the CDA of RAI, but without result. 3. Economic interests prevail over the rest. Muslim heads of state do not dissociate religion from economic bar- gaining, while our leaders are not inte- rested. The void is interpreted by the Muslim interlocutor as being truthful. 4. Famous intellectuals are left-wing and consequently pro-Arab and pro-Isla- mic. This disinformation was evident during the last Lebanese war. I thank you for your intervention in favor of the Arab Christians with the hope that this seed will flourish and bear fruit. Best regards. ANNEX: There is no shortage of examples of di- scrimination in the Arab world: · A church’s construction must be autho- rized by the President of the Republic · Renouncing the Islamic faith is puni- shable by death · A Muslim woman is forbidden to marry a Christian