210 was your enemy will become your intima- te friend" ‹(translation of verse soura 41 v.34 of the Koran) "Christians are the most cordial friends of believers and the closest neighbors to Muslims" There is no doubt that Islam is a way of spi- ritualizing man as each of us can see espe- cially after having frequented Muslims. For us Christians, Islam has its greatness which deserves to be recognized for itself and without comparing it to our Christiani- ty, we must admit, contains critical points that we have not yet overcome. To know Islam and to make known the Gospel: In the West people know little about Islam, the few television transmissions give a rather folkloric vision or an image of a religion based on terrorism. To fill this gap, the Diocese of Milan has approved the publication of a book for Christian schools: Islam, storia, fede, cultura. It is through mutual knowledge and personal testimony that the fate of the meeting between the two shores of the Mediter- ranean is played out. Christians, Muslims and Jews will explore the new frontiers of dialogue for a brotherhood in the 21st century. However we must realize that Muslims receive in schools in Arab coun- tries and even in their centers in the West, a distorted teaching on Christianity, and keep a negative and false vision of it. Our hope is that a veil of truth will eventually be opened on these aspects and that the moment will be propitious for an Islamic authority to practice teaching on Christia- nity in accordance with Christian doctrine. It is therefore the duty of every Christian not to hide in false modesty, but rather to openly profess his faith towards Mu- slims. Having never had the opportunity to discover our religion except through distorted teaching, Muslims will finally be able to appreciate the fair value of reli- gious freedom in the West and realize the discrimination existing in Arab countries against Christian citizens. Our hope is that a veil of truth will even- tually be opened on these aspects and that the moment will be propitious for an Islamic authority to practice teaching on Christianity in accordance with Christian doctrine. It is therefore the duty of every Christian not to hide in false modesty, but rather to openly profess his faith towards Muslims. Having never had the opportu- nity to discover our religion except throu- gh distorted teaching, Muslims will finally be able to appreciate the fair value of reli- gious freedom in the West and realize the discrimination existing in Arab countries against Christian citizens. It is to hope that the generation of Mu- slims who immigrated to the West can become the lever, which will change the unfair laws existing in Islamic countries, to improve the situation of women and reli- gious freedom. A dream! Beyond misunderstanding and prejudice, each believer is called to cultivate an es- sential value of the other, to venture on the path of mutual respect and that dif- ference is ultimately transformed into an instrument of mutual enrichment. 2019 February The meeting at Abu Dhabi between Grand imam of Al Azhar and Pope Fran- cesco signing the document "human brotherhood for world peace and com- mon coexistence" is a milestone for a change of direction. The hope is that the change of attitude will take place to the deepest peripheries on both sides.