201 • Prohibits studying music at school. • demands that the student or worker inter- rupt the lesson and go away to pray to • established hours • imposes male circumcision and female genital mutilation • requires separate compartments in pu- blic transport • Prohibitions, teachings, behaviour in the name of religion not covered • specifically by Sharia • To study Christianity, through the go- spel and Christian sources. • to read the Koran in its context • to refuse genital mutilation or circumcision • To teach Arabic language and literature by a non-Muslim... • a non-Muslim will not have access to paradise • Can’t stand the subordination of a Mu- slim to a non-Muslim... • Can’t stand a Church standing next to a mosque. • Can’t stand the sound of bells near a Muslim place of worship. Fight those who do not believe... and who consider lawful what God and His Messenger have declared unlawful and, among those to whom the book was gi- ven, those who do not profess the religion of truth. Fight them until they humbly pay the tribute. (9,29). - Prescriptions of customs propagated in Italy in the name of Sharia law not spe- cifically prescribed by Sharia law - are only practiced in some environmen- ts of Arab countries, but are propagated in Italy in the name of religion. - Prohibitions, teachings, behaviour in the name of religion not specifically cove- red by Sharia law • Evil must be repelled with a greater good. Repel evil with a greater good, and who was your enemy will become close friends. (41, v.34)