196 MIGRANTS LET'S HELP THEM AT HOME Let's welcome with responsibility and fu- ture prospects, and let's take people out of the hands of human traffickers. But let's not make it a convenient alibi to hide the world behind our finger. Welcoming presupposes that we are able to welcome and make grow in our society disparate people who come for a thousand reasons: are we able to do it responsibly? Do we intend to educate, with serious prospects of future employ- ment, inclusion in the fabric of society, respect for local customs and morality, the possibility of creating a family in the host country, of family reunification to keep the migrant's family together? Who said this and proved that Italian society is capable of doing so responsibly? Many examples in history have shown that re- ception without discernment runs the risk that the host community will be for- ced to seek refuge itself. The great popu- lar demonstrations organized by certain organizations that claim to be of Chri- stian inspiration are nothing more than a blunder towards countries of emigration by encouraging their young people to attempt an adventure without return are counterproductive popular initiatives. The economies of African countries are