168 and shared to build, together with Chri- stianity and Judaism, the global culture of peace and fraternity. We must work to en- sure that Muslims are able to grasp the di- stinction between religion and society, faith and civilization, political Islam and Muslim faith. It was Cardinal Martini himself, who encouraged dialogue between different cultures and religions, who put into com- munication realities that have many things to say to each other. Rotarians united for a better world Rotary International and its Foundation promote worldwide service campaigns for a better world, are widely publicized, and we all recognize the benefits of our actions. I would like to highlight the role that each of the more than 34,000 clubs around the world plays in helping others, the impact on quality of life, and the com- mitment to bringing different cultures to- gether. Service actions undertaken by the club individually or jointly with a club in the service-recipient area are the seed that sprouts the fruits for the benefit of the men and women in the affected com- munity. The local fruits expected from the actions of individual clubs add value to Rotary's worldwide service programs. In fact, giving money remains a sterile act if it is not accompanied with a Rotarian he- art and spirit, has a positive impact on the beneficiaries and adds value to the ser- vice provided. It is a first step in Service to Peace. If all Rotarians were aware of the tangible benefits of a specific service, it would be a driver for further action by local clubs to promote the image of Ro- tary. For example: it is well known that women's submission and illiteracy hinder the harmonious development of a so- cial core; implementing a Rotary literacy project in a specific area promotes the promotion of women by providing them with the tools to enter the world of work, leading to their economic and cultural independence and making them aware of their dignity as the first step to claim equal rights. In this itinerary, women take a leading role to change current prejudi- ces and obtain a common ethical charter against injustices due to discrimination and religious fanaticism, leading the way for the economic development of the so- ciet in question and social peace. Another example is the strengthening of interna- tional friendship through service between two Rotary clubs that have the same ideal and have decided to organize a summer camp at the beach for less fortunate chil- dren; many of them have never known the sea and live in rural areas without clean water. The results have exceeded expectations, and I mention a few in order to motivate other Rotary friends. Staying in a healthy environment by teaching hy- gienic and sanitary ways to prevent di- sease has created the desire of families to have access to clean water and basic sanitation; prevention of infection and disease through medical check-ups has made the family environment healthier; holiday conviviality has reduced gender inequality and misunderstandings due to differences in beliefs, the first step toward better social conviviality; and it has made the less fortunate children happier. In conclusion, I would like to say that we all belong to the human family and attach the greatest im- portance to the dignity of the per- son with the conviction that we are rediscovering human values. We Rotarians turn the wheel between religions, politics and decision-ma- king powers; we are the protagoni- sts of service projects characterized by quality, friendship, efficiency and gratuitousness that lead to peace; only by building peace in hearts do we lay the foundations for an au- thentic integral humanism. The battlefield is man's heart (Fedor Dostoyevsky)